You are looking for a web and marketing editor?

Closeup of Workspace with Modern Creative Laptop, Cup of Coffee

Let me bring you my editorial skills, my curiosity and my critical eye.

For your web materials, let me propose...

  • To create web content following the rules of natural referencing.

  • To be at the crossroad between an author and a journalist (web content editing being often based on journalistic principles, such as the 5Ws), to catch the attention of a reader within a few seconds and to bring him/her the answers to his/her questions.

  • Contents based on reliable sources that you can quote and overlap: official web site, media outlet, dedicated blog, interview of a well-known personality in the field, news feed, and so on. Considering the client's brief, I will organise the information he/she finds appropriate before I summarise it.

  • To follow some editorial techniques such as the Inverted Pyramid structure: the most attention-grabbing elements arrive first followed by supporting or explanatory information in order of diminishing importance, the least important information being placed at the bottom. The goal is to shorten and ease the internet reading.

For your web and marketing materials, I will add...

  • My creativity and my imagination, but also my rigour.

  • My ability to put myself in the shoes of my clients - to meet their expectations, their motivations and objectives - and those of their future readers.

  • My aesthetic sense.